6 research outputs found

    Development of Meta-Geosystems of Tourist and Recreational Clusters

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    The study aims to find a key to the problem of managing cultural heritage systems in the example of the Temnikov-Sanaksar cluster located in Eastern Europe. This area is situated between the forest-steppe of the layered-tier Volga upland and the forest geosystems of the layered Oka-Don lowland. The article applies an interdisciplinary approach to solving the problem of optimizing inter-component relationships in the meta-geosystems of tourist and recreational clusters. The sustainable development of meta-geosystems should be based on multifactorial information support, which implements the most important condition for the effective economic development of landscapes through the formation of the regions’ spatial data infrastructure. In order to consistently optimize meta-geosystems of different hierarchical levels, it is necessary to solve several emerging issues, such as assessing the strength and nature of inter-component connections in geosystems, determination of factors describing the territorial variation of the properties of geosystems, interpreting and substantiation the semantics of the selected basic factors

    Problems of Designing Geoportal Interfaces

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    The manuscript is devoted to analysis of the problem of designing graphical geoportal interfaces. The support points for the problem solutions are formulated and rationale of each of them is given. The emphasis was placed on the following orientations: to a flexible process of interface development, the need to introduce adaptability, progressive development, the motivated abandonment of geospatial content management systems and the use of third-party libraries where necessary, problem-solving and achieving goals. The lists of basic functional and qualitative requirements for graphical geoportal interfaces are given. In the last segment, the authors share their experience in the development of geoportal solutions

    The surprising discovery of two new subterranean Leptodirini of the genus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from Croatia after more than a century

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    Two new subterranean leiodid taxa of the genus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901 from three pits in northern Dalmatia (Croatia), S. coriniensis sp. nov. and S. coriniensis nonveilleri ssp. nov., are described. The morphological traits of the new taxa are enumerated and illustrated. These two taxa are placed in the subgenus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901. The relationships of these two taxa and their close relatives are clarified. Data on the sexual dimorphism of the two new taxa and on the intrasubspecific variability of S. coriniensis nonveilleri ssp. nov. are presented. We also redescribed S. novaki, the type species of both the genus Spelaeobates and the subgenus Spelaeobates and the closest relative of the newly described species. A key for identification of the taxa of the genus Spelaeobates is included. The new taxa are endemic to the Dinaric Alps of Croatia. Spelaeobates (Pretneriella) kraussi Müller, 1903 and S. (P.) pharensis langhofferi Müller, 1931 were found for the first time outside their type locality

    Formation of geospatial information databases in the system of digital spatial data infrastructures

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    The article discusses the key aspects of the development of spatial data infrastructures and models of spatio-temporal data based on the study of geosystems, as well as ensuring the updating of the geospatial storage of information based on Earth remote sensing data. The authors have shown that for the formation of the software and hardware infrastructure of a digital storage of spatial data, it is advisable to follow an organized technological process. At the same time, spatial data warehouses should provide system integration of data with spatial and temporal reference. The solution to the problems of visualization and dissemination of spatial data should be based on the effective use of geoportal systems. It is concluded that the development of databases of digital SDIs and geoportal systems is associated with the development of methods and algorithms for the conjugate analysis of the peculiarities of the interaction of natural, social and production systems, complex interpretation of large arrays of spatial data and forecasting the development of natural and natural-man-made processes